Meaning of radio silence
Meaning of radio silence

1.1 Absence of communication from a person or group from whom communication might have been expected.‘Radio silence is now being kept until January 22 when the lander if it is still functioning is programmed to send out signals automatically.’.‘In the South Atlantic, Crowhurst announced that low battery power would require him to maintain radio silence through the Indian and Pacific Oceans.’.‘The myth, mistakenly put about in the late 1970s, that German radio silence prevented ULTRA from giving warning of the Ardennes campaign in mid-December is still current in some quarters.’.‘Did Japanese warships and their commanding admirals break radio silence at sea before the attack?’.‘After final approval, the strike force launched from Thailand and expertly rejoined 15 aircraft in total darkness under radio silence.’.‘For the Queen Mother, two minutes of BBC radio silence were ordained, reduced to one for listeners to Radio 1, out of respect for their limited attention span.’.‘On 16 December, signals intelligence (SIGINT) reported enemy units leaving an assembly area north of Trier and then going to radio silence.’.‘"We'd been in radio silence for most of the flight," Hoehn said.’.‘It was a misty night, all navigation lights were switched off and radio silence was observed.’.‘The Beagle 2 team has revised its plans for trying to communicate with the lander, postponing the date for the end of radio silence by two days.’.‘The experience of the Great Patriotic War showed that particular communication security measures (including radio silence) complicated the work of signals intelligence units.’.‘Tactically, the Germans also imposed strict radio silence.’.‘To land and launch aircraft while maintaining radio silence, Red Team used lighting systems a la World War II.’.

meaning of radio silence

  • ‘They sailed behind mine sweepers and in near radio silence.’.
  • ‘She had no idea there were heavy units in the vicinity, because of radio silence.’.
  • ‘Maintaining total radio silence, the Strike Force took a route through the North Pacific, which had proven wholly devoid of shipping under normal circumstances.’.
  • ‘One wounded plane came limping back to base in radio silence.’.
  • ‘The imposition of radio silence during such missions made me more of a gunner than a radioman.’.

  • Meaning of radio silence